Tuesday, October 02, 2007

happy anniversary!

♥ October 2, 2005 ♥
When I met Kev in Feb. 1987 when I was 16, I didn't know that 18 years later we would be married. We worked at the same restaurant - it was my first 'real' job. He was cool, aloof, extremely intelligent, and had long, black hair with spirals, reminiscent of Slash from Guns and Roses. He played guitar in a band, and was always reading something and smoking during our breaks.
I was intrigued by him, and hoped that when I talked to him I didn't sound retarded, but never thought of him in a romantic way since he was dating one of my best friends. A few years later we 'dated' for a short time, but he ended up marrying someone else. (Not my friend) ...A few more years later, after his divorce, we dated again, and lived together for a year.
Didn't work out. ... A few years more, older and wiser, we met again. This time we got married before we lived together. It's worked out so much better.
Long story short, our lives are completely different now, and we both know that God brought us together. He is the most supportive, sweet, gentle man I've ever known. I am wholeheartedly committed to him, and I'm so thankful for the last 2 years together. I had many lonely years, and I feel like I'm being rewarded now with a love that continues to grow.
...what a man, what a man, what a mighty - good - man...
love you honey~


Anonymous said...

that was really sweet!! and true- i should know cause i'm your sistah!! happy anniversary-we love you guys and are so glad for your happiness. love tish

Amy-Razz Pizazz Boutique said...

What a fabulous dedication to your husband :) I too just celebrated my ninth anniversary! You were a beautiful bride...
Amy :)

Anonymous said...

funny how things work out. congrats on your anniversary!!!

Sandra said...

Such a lovely story - I've loved your art ever since I've seen it couple of months ago, I love your style (oh, trust me, you DO have one!) and now, I really love the way you told this story!!Congratulations and all the best!

Sandra said...

Oh, sorry, I forgot - I am LaMiaCasa from Etsy :)