Saturday, February 03, 2007

A week of growth

I've been having some success on Etsy, and I'm feeling so hopeful that it's going to keep going. I'm still trying to 'find' my niche in art, and I keep bouncing back and forth between sewing, altered jewelry, and collage. I know it's ok to do different things, I just want a 'style' that people can recognize. The only way to get farther on this quest is to do the work. So tonight I made a plan of sorts, where I just randomly picked a day of the week to do a certain thing. It was very quick, and if it says 'collage' on Saturdays, and on a particular Saturday when I have a chance to work I'd rather work on something else, then that's fine, but at least it gives me a starting point. We'll see how it goes.
Work was better this past week, too. I got really excited doing cityscapes with the 3rd graders, although I've done that lesson a thousand times before. It sort of morphed into a mixed media experience, and it was fun. Love it when that happens, and it's not just about discipline and behavior management, but actually about art-I know- what a concept-art in art class!

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