Sunday, June 28, 2009

wide open spaces

I spent all afternoon yesterday dying slips. I'm sure my neighbors are wondering why I have so many slips, and several of them in repeat colors. I love being an alchemist! It's so fun seeing how the colors will turn out, and mixing and stirring.
I wish I had a giant yard, with no houses nearby, and a huge old-fashioned clothesline. I'd love to look out of my kitchen window and see the slips sprawled out across the green, with the big blue sky behind. And of course a gentle breeze to make them flow even prettier.
And then I could walk down to the creek at the end of my property, and collect acorns and leaves on the way back to the house.


Jessica! said...

Looking good!

Anonymous said...

crazy idea i know but how do u think credit cruch affected porn?

Anonymous said...

Any idea how credit crunch affected porn?