Monday, June 25, 2007


Ok, so here are the pics from one of the charm bracelets, start to finish. These little buggers are a little time-consuming, but you can't beat a project that uses 1/2 inch pieces of fabric!
So here are the tiny cut out pieces:

and after they are sewn together and stuffed (and I'm getting ready to install the eyelets):

and the final outcome:

So this one is in the shop, and I think I will make more soon. I figured out that I saw a similar idea in 'Cloth, Paper, Scissors", and Ruth Rae designed them. So fun! Ciao~


Michelle Legler said...

I Love it! Very artsy!!! :-)

Ruth Rae said...

I received the link to your blog this morning from Patricia Bolton
(Editor for Cloth Paper Scissors)
and I must say it has put a much needed smile on my face :)
as I do not feel the least bit inspired and I have a pile of deadlines, you blog has given me a little spark to get myself moving into a creative direction :)
you work all looks so fresh and new I had a lot of fun looking at your etsy shop as well!

vicci said...

I really love these Ellene...they look great together!

LazyTcrochet said...

Sweet bracelet. I love that you chose black too. My fav.

maggiegracecreates said...

I left a comment on tis at flickr too. I love your work. Can't wait to see more.

Catharina Maria said...

Love your charms for the bracelet !
Rini from the Netherlands .